Discover The Easy Way To Find & Hire Your Next Childcare Superstar With A Proven Step By Step System

Don't get me wrong, there are some AMAZING superstars out there. The problem is trying to find them, beat your competitors to recruit them and keep them to grow and become an integral part of your team.

We used to suffer with exactly the same problem until we discovered a system that you can implement in under 30 days that will help you find, recruit and retain some of the best childcare superstars available in your area. PLUS you'll have this system for life!


Hiring Your Next Childcare Superstar.

Most childcare businesses are fighting for the same pool of staff. 

The problem is we all seem to be doing the same things to try and recruit them. If we've got any chance in finding the best childcare superstars then we need to do things DIFFERENTLY...

About Us

Hi, my name is Nick Williams and my wife Jenna and I have had our own child care businesses since 2002. Up until 4 years ago we struggled with recruitment. Applications were really poor, they didn't show up for interviews or they simply lacked the motivation to even want to work. It was very difficult to find the 'superstar' that we knew we wanted to be a part of our team.

We knew we had to do things differently if we had any chance of beating our competition, so we decided to learn from the best around the World. The results we saw were amazing and we've now created a system that we'd like to share with you.

Take a look at what's included...

Module 1: Your Mission, Vision & Values
Having a clear purpose to your business gives team members direction and a vision to 'buy in' to beyond a 'normal job'. In this module we'll help you map all this out and share it with your team.
Module 2: How to make your vacancies stand out from the competition
Forget boring traditional job ads, they are not the way forward. In this module we'll share the secret sauce on how to get your vacancies noticed and lots of candidates applying to work for you.
Module 3: Where To Find Your Next Superstar 
We'll share with you where to find the cream of the crop and how to get them to pay attention to you.
Module 4: Your 4R Documents & Job Descriptions
Standard job descriptions are a thing of the past. Our 4R Documents helps give you clarity, accountability and a modern approach to a 'traditional' job description.
Module 5: The Hiring Process
No more 'No Shows' for your interviews. In this section we'll share the whole interview process to ensure the right candidates apply in the first place.
Module 6: The On Boarding Process

This is one of the most important systems we can share with you. We'll share a system to ensure your team have the best induction and hit the ground running. 

Module 7: Keeping & Growing Your Team

'The grass is always greener' and the 'lack of job satisfaction' will be a thing of the past. We'll share with you how to ensure your team never want to leave your business.

BONUS 1: The Top 25 Questions To a Perfect Interview
The 25 most important and testing questions for your perfect interview.
BONUS 2: 60 Ways To Motivate & Reward Your Team

You'll have 2 whole months worth of ways to motivate and reward your team. 

BONUS 3: Interviews With Leading HR and Staff Motivational Experts
We'll be sharing 3 great interviews from industry leading experts on HR and staff motivation and incentives.
BONUS 4: '4R' & Job Description Templates
So you don't have to work out what to say and how to say it. You can even personalise them to suit your business.

Total Value = (£1,179)

Today's Price = £197

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Billing InformationPlease Add Your Payment Details
To process your order just click the PayPal button below. 

Why Buy Now?

Since this is the first time we're running this offer, we're doing TWO things.

First... we’re charging less than we normally do because the course will be dripped out** over the next 30 days. It’s a Founding Members deal that won’t happen again.  

Second…. we love building products WITH our customers, so we want to make sure all your questions are answered. You’ll have UNPRECEDENTED access to us this round...ONLY.

The modules will be dripped out over a 30 day period, and then they are yours to keep!

Meet Your Coaches

Over the last 15 years, Jenna and Nick have had their own childcare facilities and trained thousands of childcare professionals around the World.

They're on a mission to help 100,000 childcare professionals get more customers, stand out from the competition and have a hugely successful business where they are not a slave to their business and get to spend time doing the things they love. 

We promise that you CAN do this.

But the best part is... you don’t even have to believe us!

If you're not 100% satisfied with the course, the templates, or the extras after 30 days, we will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 30 days to explore the materials and experience the vibe of The Webinar Gorgeous™ movement and then...make a life-changing decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

Check Out What These Childcare Business Owners Think About Our Programs...

Here’s A Recap Of


When You Invest In The 'Hiring Your Next Childcare

Superstar' Course Today!

  • ‘One Funnel Away’ Coaching With Two Comma Club Coaches Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian ($997 Value)
  • Customized 30-Day Plan & Daily Action Steps ($247 Value)
  •  One Funnel Away Challenge Kit - Includes:

* One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook ($97 Value)

* MP3 Player With Recordings Of The FIRST One 

Funnel Away challenge ($297 Value)

* BONUS - "30 Days" Hardcover Book ($97 Value)

BONUS #1 - Unlimited Lifetime Access To “30 Days” Interview Series ($197 Value)
BONUS #2 - Two Comma Club Funnel EXCLUSIVE Interview Pack ($197 Value)
  • Module 1: Your Mission, Vision & Values                                (£97 Value)

  • Module 2: How to make your vacancies stand out               (£97 Value)

  • Module 3: Where to find your next susperstar                      (£97 Value)

  • Module 4: Your 4R Documents & Job Descriptions               (£97 Value)

  • Module 5: The Hiring Process                                                   (£97 Value)

  • Module 6: The On Boarding Process                                       (£97 Value)

  • Module 7: Keeping & Growing Your Team                            (£97 Value)

  • BONUS - The Top 25 Questions To a Perfect Interview       (£125 Value)

  • BONUS - 60 Ways To Motivate & Reward Your Team         (£125 Value)

  • BONUS - Interviews With Industry Experts                            (£125 Value)

  • BONUS - 4R & Job Description Templates                             (£125 Value)

Module 1: Your Mission, Vision & Values (£97 Value)

Module 2: How to make your vacancies stand out (£97 Value)

Module 3: Where to find your next susperstar (£97 Value)

Module 4: Your 4R Documents & Job Descriptions  (£97 Value)

Module 5: The Hiring Process

(£97 Value)

Module 6: The On Boarding Process (£97 Value)

Module 7: Keeping & Growing Your Team (£97 Value)

BONUS - The Top 25 Questions To a Perfect Interview (£125 Value)

BONUS - 60 Ways To Motivate & Reward Your Team (£125 Value)

BONUS - Interviews With Industry Experts (£125 Value)

BONUS - 4R & Job Description Templates (£125 Value)

Total Value: £1,179

Join The Course Today At This Pre-Launch Price:

For Only: £197

All The Frequently Asked Questions We Know You’re Going To Ask

How do I get access to the members area?

When you complete your purchase, you’ll immediately be re-directed to a page that will give you the instructions on how to get your referral link and how to join our Facebook Group.

When does the course begin?

The content is all in the members area and is yours to keep!

What if I get stuck can I contact someone?

Of course, our team will gladly help wherever we can to ensure you are getting everything from the course. 

I don't have any staff vacancies can I still use this?

Yes 100% you can. Even if you don't currently have a vacancy right now, it's best practice to start to work through the course as you'll be surprised how much you can put in place to help your existing team members, or to ensure you have everything in place for when you are ready to hire.

**Important Note**

PLEASE check your email (and spam folder) for an email from us immediately after you sign up. Then whitelist our e-mail address. If you’ve got Gmail, move the message from your Promotions folder into your Primary Inbox.


We'll be communicating with you via e-mail as well, and we don’t want you to miss a single, fabulous drop of the goodness we're dishing up for you!

UK Office:

3 Gatsby Court,

172 Holliday Street,


B1 1TJ

Tel:+44 (0) 121 695 9057

USA Office:

66 West Flagler Street, Suite 900 - #7095

Miami, FL 33130

Tel: +1 929 810-1098

Who Are Nick & Jenna?

Over the last 15 years, Jenna and Nick have had their own childcare facilities and trained thousands of childcare professionals around the World.

They're on a mission to help 100,000 childcare professionals get more customers, stand out from the competition and have a hugely successful business where they are not a slave to their business and get to spend time doing the things they love. 

Connect With Us On Social Media

Childcare Business Growth ©2022 All Rights Reserved

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